Cloud Backup

World Backup Day: What You Need to Know & How to Get 50% Off Our Popular Service

By blog Mar 31 2019


March 31st marks World Backup Day, a day that is used to spread global awareness about the importance of data protection. As the world becomes increasingly dependent on technology for work and everyday life, data backup has become ever more vital. Ideally, all companies and employees should be backing up their data on a regular or daily basis. We take for granted the ease with which we access all our files – but out-of-the-blue, this access can be taken away.


Why World Backup Day?

The idea to create World Backup Day stemmed from within the online community in 2011. Its prime intention was to prevent data loss caused by careless neglect and to motivate everyone to take protective measures immediately. Now it is recognized globally, and even big technology corporations are participating. Since March 31st falls the day before April Fool’s Day, it is important to note that, unlike an April Fool’s joke, data loss can be permanent and not a temporary trick.


Why is Backup So Important?

Data that you’ve saved to your computer or smartphone is not as safe as you might think. Evidence has shown that every 40 seconds, a ransomware attack occurs against a company and that 1 in 10 computers becomes infected with a virus every month. 


It should also be noted that all hard discs have a lifetime and will eventually expire. However, it is not uncommon for hard discs to begin breaking down even before its predicted expiry date. So unless all data is safely backed up, a complete loss is still possible. If you do not have a backup feature on your current device, we highly advise that you find one today.


Cloud Backup Benefits

There are numerous options for backing up data, but Cloud Backup is especially suited for protecting all files and information belonging to a business. In fact, more and more companies are switching from an on-premise backup method to the Cloud. As awareness spreads about the dangers of data loss, more companies are choosing to take all precautions necessary.


The first advantage of Cloud Backup is its ease of use and management. Since all data is secured on the cloud, it is not necessary to operate an in-house server, significantly reducing the effort and cost of management. Backup settings can also be configured easily from the management screen, allowing companies to tweak certain aspects to their satisfaction.


Secondly, Cloud Backup is an ideal choice for security measures against viruses and ransomware. If an in-house computer becomes infected with a virus, all company data is completely safe, as it is secured on a different network. Cloud Backup secures all information in a data center that is separated geographically, meaning that BCP protection measures are fully accounted for.


Limited Time Sale for Tsukaeru Cloud Backup

In honor of World Backup Day, Tsukaeru’s popular Cloud Backup service is having a limited time sale. Our backup service is simple, highly secure, and extremely affordable. Our discount campaign will last the weekend from 3/29 (Friday) to 4/1 (Monday). All applications during this campaign period will be subjected to a whopping 50% discount for the initial contract period of a Basic plan. Don’t miss out on this special opportunity!
Simply enter the promo code WBD2019 for your purchase.


Tsukaeru Cloud Backup

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