Regardless of industry or sector,
our products are used by many companies.

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Security & Storage

Business Solutions


Why Tsukaeru?


Datacenter Facility

Datacenter Facility

20 years strong

Our fully redundant facilities boasts 100% uptime, with multiple security layers, redundant power supply and dedicated fiber networks in Japan, USA, Australia, Singapore and Indonesia, we choose the best locations with the highest standards to keep you online.


Peace of mind

Peace of Mind

Fully trained cloud professionals

We won’t take any chances when it comes to keeping your data secure. We are fully compliant with ISO27001 standards, protecting your data by all means possible. Our highly trained professionals with many years of experience in operating not just our networks, but the systems and data that reside on them.


Customer Service

Customer Service

Help when you need it

Our dedicated customer service staff are ready via phone, email, or live chat to assist you when you need it. We offer service level agreements and managed services to meet every need. Stay online, all the time with Tsukaeru.

Tsukaeru Support Service

Our dedicated customer service staff are ready via phone, email, or live chat to assist you when you need it.
We offer various levels of service level agreements to meet every need. Stay online, all the time with Tsukaeru.